2015: Elginkan Foundation Technology Award (together with the SUTAB medical device team)

2014: TGC Sedat Simavi Health Sciences Award

2014: IKU Prof. Onder Oztunali Science Award

2008: Turkish Academy of Sciences, Successful Young Scientist Award                 (TÜBA-GEBİP)

2006: European Molecular Biology Organization, Strategical Development and Installation Award (EMBO-SDIG).  

2006: Selected by Roche Pharmaceuticals among the “Bioscience Leaders of the Next Decade”


2004-2006: European Union “Marie Curie Actions” Postdoctoral Fellowship. 

2002-2004: Weizmann Institute Feinberg Graduate School Postdoctoral Fellowship. 

2001-2002: French Organisation For Medical Research (FRM) Postdoctoral Fellowship. 

1999-2001: French Cancer Research Association (ARC) PhD Scholarship. 

1996-1999: NATO A1/TUBITAK PhD Full Scholarship. 

1989-1995: H. Ömer Sabanci Foundation, University Undergraduate Studies Award (Üniversiteye Giriş Bursu).


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Türkçe Özgeçmiş.

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Keywords: What is autophagy? Otofaji nedir?